Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

What we Focus on Expands

Have you heard the expression that “energy flows where attention goes”? Well guess what, it’s true!

And today I have a real-life example to share with you and how you can use this in your life in this very moment.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Meditation for Relaxation

Please join me in this delightful meditation focused on relaxing your entire body.

Settle in….close your eyes…..and enjoy.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Trusting the Process

Are there things you’d love to have or experience in life, but aren’t quite sure how to achieve them?

This week I discuss what it means to have a dream, flesh it out and then let it go and trust the process.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Remembering Our Connection

Most of the time I remember that as a spiritual being having a human experience, I am always connected to more than what I can see around me physically.

And sometimes I forget.

Today’s musings are about remembering.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Staying Present During The Tough Times

Do you ever find yourself feeling so overwhelmed with life that you don’t know what to do? This is normal and happens to all of us at one point or another.

The trick is knowing how to maneuver through these times. What do we do with ourselves? How do we come back to center?

I recently went through a time, and I realized I wanted to share it with you so that you would have some tools and be reassured that we all struggle from time to time.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Brief Grounding Meditation


This is a meditation I recorded for a virtual health coach retreat, and I wanted to share it with you!


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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Meditation for Presence

In my last post I mused on presence and its power to help you get out of your own way and to go with the flow of life.

In today’s meditation I lead you through a practice to help you feel the difference between being in the story and being in the present moment. Enjoy!

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

The Power of Presence Part 2

Join me today as I muse again on being present. I’ve discussed this before, but today I bring it to you with a different twist.

I hope you enjoy!

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Meditation forPeople Pleasing

Join me today as I lead you through a meditation on people pleasing.

Pondering the topic and learning how to release it and come back to your truth.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

People Pleasing

Do you struggle with people pleasing? It is so common for us humans and can be very subtle.

In today’s musings I reflect on people pleasing and how to come back to ourselves and tune into what is true for us in each moment.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

On Stage in NYC!

I recently had the opportunity to lead a meditation in NYC for several hundred people at Joshua Rosenthal’s Heal the Healer event.

It was a dream come true for me and I’m so excited to share it with you!

I hope you enjoy!

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Meditation for the Inner Critic

In today’s meditation we meet up with our inner critic, hear what it has to say, and learn how to move on from that place of judgement into a place of love and acceptance.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

The Inner Critic

In this week’s musing I discuss our inner critic. What it is, how it can show up for us, and how to interact with it.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey


Have you ever thought that the things you hear or read about sound good, but wonder how to implement them in your day-to-day life?

In today’s musings I share about how I do this for myself.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Meditation for Stillness

In this week’s meditation we’re going to play with what it feels like to be still and to connect with our intuition.

It’s an invitation to play with the stillness and notice what comes up for you.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Finding Comfort in the Stillness

How do you relate to peace in your life? To the quiet and stillness? To the lack of “things” to focus on. Or another question would be, do you experience times of quiet and if so, how does that feel to you?

In today’s musing I share my recent experience of really tuning in to my intuition. To the quiet and only taking action when I felt called to do so.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Meditation for Acceptance

In last week’s blog I discussed acceptance vs resistance and how when we resist what is, we suffer and the way to get out of this loop is to take a breath and to relax and accept what is and that from that place we can find peace and move forward.

This week I lead you through a meditation practice to guide you to a place of acceptance and peace. Enjoy!

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Acceptance vs Resistance

In this week’s blog I discuss the concept of acceptance vs resistance.

What does this mean and how do you shift the focus when you are in a spot of frustration and/or anger about what is in front of you in this moment.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey

Meditation for Abundance

This week’s meditation focuses on gratitude for all that we have in our lives and how to make room for more of what we would love to bring in.

We walk through a process to ease any tension around our desires and bring ourselves back to a place of peace and appreciation to allow for what we want next.

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Joline Seavey Joline Seavey


In today’s blog I muse about abundance, what it means and what happens when we are feeling the opposite of abundance. When we’re noticing scarcity in our lives.

We then look at how we can relate to that and shift our energy. Enjoy!

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