Meditation forPeople Pleasing
Join me today as I lead you through a meditation on people pleasing.
Pondering the topic and learning how to release it and come back to your truth.
Audio Transcription:
Welcome, I invite you to close your eyes and start to settle in.
Starting off by taking the deepest breath you’ve taken yet today…..inhaling deeply…..and letting it out…
Nowhere to go…nothing to do….except to be in this very moment….
Softening your brow….
Feeling your eyes getting heavier….
Feeling the jaw get slack….
Letting the relaxation flow down through your neck and shoulders…
Down into your arms… through your wrists and hands and out your fingertips….
Relaxing the muscles in your chest…..
Softening your belly…
Letting relaxing flow down through your hips and into your legs…
Taking a moment to feel into your entire body….feeling the relaxation and heaviness….
Feeling the surface beneath you….hearing any sounds around you….enjoying the immense peace that you are experiencing in this very moment…
Breathing in…. breathing out…..
And now, in this very relaxed state…..breathing in… and breathing out….
Let’s take a little journey in your heart….I invite you to bring to mind a time that you may have put other people’s needs/wants and desires ahead of your own….to your detriment….
A time when you maybe ignored what you were thinking or feeling or desiring to meet the needs of others….
And now perhaps ponder what comes up when you think about what might happen or what is the fear that might actualize if you were to say what was on your mind, or not agree to the thing that doesn’t feel in alignment with you?
And with this in mind…..let’s take a deep breath in….hold it for a second….and then release it….and as you do this…..consciously bring yourself back to your body….
And tune in to that feeling or fear…perhaps give it a shape or a color….make it into a “thing” if you can….
And now that you’ve imagined this thing….I invite you to release it up into the light….letting it go…watching it float away….and as it does…you feel yourself coming back to you yourself….feeling lighter….feeling true to yourself…
And as you do this exercise….you remember that the best thing you can do for yourself is to stay true to you….remind yourself that your thoughts, feelings and desires are of utmost importance to you…and remembering Wayne Dyer’s quote that says that “other people’s opinions of me are none of my business”.
Feeling into this…letting the freedom that comes with this release flow through you….remembering that you have the opportunity in each moment to decide what is right for you…and if you feel resistance to this, it’s ok! You are a human being, and we have been conditioned to put our needs aside…this is your permission slip to connect with yourself and speak your truth…
And now…taking another deep breath in…..and letting it go…..feeling the freedom that comes from being true to yourself…..
Starting to come back to your body….feeling the surface beneath you…hearing the sounds around you….
Perhaps shrugging your shoulders or stretching in a way that feels good to you….
And ever so slowly and only when you’re ready….opening and closing your eyes…
Welcome back and thank you so much for taking the time to be there for yourself today….
And as always, remember, that true peace is always just one breath away.
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