What is a Spiritual Empowerment Coach?

What is a spiritual empowerment coach and what is it like to work with one?

This week I answer that question and share more about what I do and how I do it.

Audio Transcription:

Hello, and welcome to my musings.

As I was pondering what I wanted to share with you this week, I realized that I haven’t really shared in this space, what it is I do and how I do it. So, this week’s musing was born! 

I sometimes get asked what a spiritual empowerment coach is and/or what do you do?

The question has many answers. The short answer is that I work with people who either know, or have an inkling, that there is more to life than what we can see in this physical space we live in. I work with people to help them remember their divinity and learn how to work with that knowing in their day to day lives.

This can take on so many different looks. I’ll do my best to outline some of them here.

I think one of the main gifts I offer to my clients is having a dedicated time to devote just to them. I show up with no agenda, no judgements and an open heart and ears. I know how incredibly valuable this is as I work with a coach myself.  

A coach creates what we call a “container”, a space in which I am there for you unconditionally to hear about what is going on and to learn how to move through it.

I help people learn to live with more flow in their lives. We talk about the fact that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and as such, we are never alone, and we can learn to live more and more from this remembering. 

I honor people as they sit with their feelings, learning how to feel them vs pushing them down. Learning how to accept what they are feeling without judgement. Letting the feelings move through and then experiencing the weight that is lifted from their shoulders.

I support people as they learn how to live more in flow with their lives. How to move from the stories in their head, down into their hearts and their bodies. Learning that this is where the truth lies, and we have access to it all times. I teach them how to do this, we practice this in real time with real situations that arise in their lives and in our sessions.

My clients learn how to move more in harmony with the rhythms of their lives, to be more in the flow. Learning for example that when we resist what is, we suffer and when we can find a place of acceptance, we find peace. That doesn’t mean that we can’t make changes and do things differently or want different things in our lives, but it gives us a much more peaceful roadmap about how to get there.

My work with people is also about taking their power back and not feeling so “pushed around” by life. By learning how to create the life they desire.

I help people find the magic and play with it. To learn what is they truly want and how to get out of their own way to open the path for it to come to them.

My work is about helping people find themselves and to find joy and laughter! It’s about learning how to be in the present moment and knowing that this is the only moment we ever have. It’s like learning a new language, or should I say, remembering it?

We are born knowing all of this but tend to forget it as we go through life and learn how to please others and get along in this world. I help you remember.

If you are curious and would like to experience what I do and how I do it, please feel free to sign up for a free 30-minute session. This is a time just for you. To be heard, to be held, to be seen in all your magnificence.

Thanks for joining me today and remember, that true peace is always just one breath away.

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