Manifestation Meditation

Join me as we settle into a deep relaxation and ponder what we would love to have in our lives.

In this meditation we feel into our connection to all that is and learn how to soften resistance and get into the flow so we can bring our desires into our lives.

Audio Transcription:

Hello, and welcome to my musings.

I invite you to close your eyes and settle into your space….Taking the deepest breath you’ve taken yet today…inhaling deeply….and letting it go….letting the relaxation flow through your body…..

Taking a moment and just noticing your surroundings….hearing any sounds around you….feeling the surface beneath you…..just noticing where your body connects to the surface that you are sitting or lying on….

Taking a moment…..just focusing now on your breath….

Nowhere to go, nothing to do, except to just be in this very moment…remembering that if thoughts float into your mind, that this is natural….just notice them and let them float by and bring your attention back to your breath…

Softening your brow…letting your eyes get heavy…..relaxing your jaw…

Letting your shoulders drop down and back…..opening your heart space just a bit…

Softening your belly….

Just taking this time to settle in….and with each breath, relaxing more and more…

Checking in with your body to see if there are any areas that need any special attention and relaxation and if you find anything that is tight or tense, just breathing into that area and inviting it to relax… 

And as we’re in this very relaxed state, we’re going to reflect on concepts that we’ve pondered over the last few months…

Let’s start by remembering that we are always connected to more than us in our physical bodies….we are source energy in physical form and thus never disconnected or alone…even if it may feel that way at times…taking a moment now to imagine and feel our connection….

What does that sense of connection feel like to you?

Is there a sensation to it? Is there a warmth….a tingling… there no sense that you can physically feel, but perhaps a knowing?

Perhaps there isn’t a sense…..there is no right or wrong here….just know that you are connected and you are not alone….

And now that we’ve connected with at least the idea of our connection….I invite you to imagine the support that comes with this….we are always supported….our higher self, God, source energy or whatever term you use, always has our backs….it always knows what we desire and plans behind the scenes to bring our desires to life….

Having said this…the question then is, do we let our desires flow to us, or do we get in the way?

Letting our desires flow to us involves trust, faith, a knowing, clarity of our desires and a sense of peace and relaxation….

We can get in our own way by putting up roadblocks to slow things down….these can look like fear, angst, doubt, impatience and the like….

Now, there is nothing wrong with having those feelings, I would suggest that if you do, you spend some time really feeling them and letting them move through without judgement…that will help you come back to your center….to your place of peace and allowing and flow…

And now….I invite you to imagine something you would like to bring into your physical experience….

Can you see it?  

Can you feel it?

What does it look like? How does it feel?

If it doesn’t feel clear to you now, I invite you to pause this and give it some space to reveal itself to you….

If you can see it, feel it, know it….I invite you to take some time to spend with it now…..imagining what it will feel like to have it in your life…do you act differently with it?

Do you carry yourself differently? How do you feel?

And now, I want you to remind yourself that you don’t need to know how this situation or thing will come to you…you just need to know it is something that you would love to have in your life and then let go…

Knowing that it is yours and is on its way to you….this is where trust and faith come in….feel into the feeling you have around this…..let it wash over you….and know that you will be guided, step by step as it works its way to you….this where taking divine action comes in…

You get clear….feel the feelings and then from this place of peace you take action on thoughts, ideas or suggestions that appear for you to lead you step by step to your desires…..

I invite you to come back to this meditation as often as you need to, to come back to the place of peace and knowing that all is well…this is where the magic happens….

And now….slowly bringing your attention back to the room that you’re in…back to the sound of my voice….slowly wiggling fingers and toes…perhaps shrugging your shoulders and stretching in any way that feels good to you….and whenever you are ready….ever so slowly….opening and closing your eyes….. 

Thank you for joining me today….if you would like to experience live meditations and an oracle card pull, I’d love to invite you to our bi-weekly meditation circle where we come together every other week and experience the peace of community and meditation and if you can’t join live, these meditations are posted to my site in a special area just for you to listen to at your leisure. 

I wish you a beautiful week and remember that true peace is always just one breath away.

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