Recognizing Your Divinity

In last week’s blog I talked about who I am and what I do as a spiritual empowerment coach.

In this week’s meditation, I lead you through some relaxation and experiences to tap into your divinity.

Audio Transcription:

Hello and welcome to this week’s meditation.

I invite you to close your eyes if you feel comfortable doing so, and start to settle in.

Taking the deepest breath you’ve taken yet today….

Feeling the surface beneath you…..hearing any sounds around you…..

Letting yourself relax….. more and more……

Nowhere to go….nothing to do….. just taking the time to be, here in this very moment…..

Putting down the mental to do list……

Releasing any heaviness or toxicity up into the light to be transmuted….

And we ask that all beings of love and light surround us during our time together and bring through whatever is for our highest and best good and the highest and best good of all.

Relaxing your brow….letting it soften….letting the eyes get heavy… 

Relaxing the jaw….

And now bringing your attention to your hands….letting them relax….and taking a moment to really feel into them….do you feel any sensations? Any tingling? Warmth? Cold? Or perhaps nothing at all….there is no right or wrong answer…..

And now bringing your attention to your belly…softening your belly…and feeling into it for a moment….do you notice any sensations there?

And then bringing your attention down to your feet…..and again, noticing your feet….do you notice any sensations here? Can you feel any energy, tingling in your feet?

And now…bringing your attention to your entire body and noticing if there are any areas that want to relax a bit more….and if you find any…just letting them go….letting them release and relax…..

In last week’s blog I discussed the work that I offer to people…..and how my belief is that we are spiritual beings having a human/physical experience….and that in my work I help you to remember your connection to all that is…..I believe that we come into our physical bodies by choice, and that there is always a part of us available to help and guide us on our way here on earth…. You may relate to this as God, Source, the Universe or your higher self….but whatever way you relate, know that you are never alone…..

And now, in this very relaxed, sacred space we are sharing in the moment, I invite you to once again connect to your body…..and as you do so….perhaps imagine your connection to something more than what you can see in this physical space…..this can take on whatever shape or experience works for you…..

You may want to vision your crown chakra opening up and receiving light from above…..

You may also tap into your body and notice if you can feel any sense of energy and connectedness flowing through you…everything in the universe is made up of energy…..every single thing….from us, our bodies, the furniture in our homes as well as the space around us and our connection to all that is….

And as you’re doing this exercise……remember as always that there is no right or wrong….if you don’t sense anything….that doesn’t mean that you aren’t connected…you are always connected whether you feel it or not…..If you don’t feel anything….I’d suggest that you just know that you are connected….and let that take on any form that feels right to you….

And now….just sit for a bit with whatever is there for you…..feeling whatever you feel or imagining your connection…. Is there anything you want to know? To ask about? Or perhaps to share appreciation for…..your team is always there for you…you just need to ask for whatever it is that you desire or appreciate…..

And now…I invite you to bring your attention back to the room that you’re in….feeling the surface beneath you….hearing any sounds around you….

Knowing that you can bring back with you anything that is meaningful to you from this experience….

Slowly wiggling fingers and toes….

Shrugging your shoulders…..stretching in any way that feels good to you….

And ever so slowly and only when you’re ready….opening and closing your eyes…. 

Welcome back…I’m so happy that you joined me today and remember that true peace is always just one breath away.

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