Embodying All We Desire

“What would you need to believe about yourself for you to become the highest version of you?” – The Goddess Wisdom Council (on Instagram @goddesswisdomcouncil).

This week I discuss this as well as how it to integrate it into our day to day lives as human beings and what it looks like in practice.

Audio Transcription:

Hello and welcome to my musings.

This week’s musing comes as a story, with several parts. When I first pondered what I wanted to say, I thought it would be one thing, one topic, and then…..ah……life. I discovered that more wanted to come through.

The first part of what I want to share is about living the life you desire, dream of, want, right now….in this very moment. What can you do to embody that?

Last week I saw someone on IG say, how would you live your life if your expenses were totally paid for the next five years?

Then I read a post from the incredible Goddess Wisdom Council that read “ What would you need to believe about yourself for you to become the highest version of you?”

These really got me thinking about this topic. Do you think about the way you would like life to be? Your dream job? Your dream family, car, vacation, fill in the blank….And then let me ask you…where are these visions? Are they in the future? Are they somewhere besides the here and now?

If so, let me point out that when you have visions that are in the future, they may tend to stay in the future. It’s how you’re picturing them, not in the here and now, but in another time.

So, ponder this: You have your visions, desires, and dreams. What can you do in this moment to start living them?

Who do you need to become to be the person who embodies those things? Really examine your life, your habits, how you speak about things.

How do you spend your days? Are you researching the floor plan for your dream home or are you mindlessly scrolling on social media in all your free time?

How does the future you act or behave? Are there attributes that you can embody now?

How do you carry yourself?

What is your mindset?

I say this knowing that you are still living your current life, probably going to your job, in whatever situation you are in, but what can you shift? What can you embody from your dreams in the here and now. I bet you can find something or things.

I’ve been playing with this myself. How do I carry myself? What do I do with my days in my business? How do I speak about things? What does this super successful spiritual empowerment coach do with her days? What connections is she making with her people? Who is she reaching out to? What is she doing with her free time? All of these things. Its really fun!

And then…..sometimes it’s not. I have found that I can be on a roll, having fun with this and really embodying it all, and then….something catches me off guard….life happens and I start judging things or worry about something or getting caught up in something that doesn’t feel so good.

This happened to me this week! I was planning what I wanted to share with you, I was in the flow! I was really feeling it and then I had some thoughts about something. I went down the rabbit hole for a bit. I had an entire day (yesterday, when I thought I’d be writing this very inspirational piece!).

Grief came up for me around missing my Mom. Then I had some thoughts about a few other things. Sadness flooded me. I felt uninspired and then….get this….I started judging myself for feeling so “off”. Me! The queen of let’s feel our feelings without judgement.

The good news about this is that I recognized it and I gave myself grace. I stopped judging myself. I gave myself permission to feel the feelings, to cry the tears and to rest for the day. I knew that yesterday was not the day to write this post. I knew that yesterday was indeed going to be part of the post.

You see, I practice what I preach and all of the above is true and this is what I know. Life is messy. Life is full of ups and downs and when I have days or moments like I did yesterday, that I need to go with it. To let it flow through me. It had nothing to do with the judgements. It had to do with the fact that by living in the space of embodying the highest version of myself, there were things that needed to be released. That is all it was about! It wasn’t that I wasn’t a good coach for feeling bad. It wasn’t that I have to be upbeat all the time.

It has to do with being WITH myself at all times. Feeling the feelings and letting them move through without judgement.

It has to do with being with and honoring each moment.

And that’s what I’m doing and I’m sharing it with you in the hopes that you will use whatever parts of this feel true to you.

I wish you a fantastic day and remember that true peace is always just one breath away.

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