The Energy of Words - Meditation

Last week I was musing on the energy of our words and how powerful language is in our life.

This week I lead you through a meditation in which you can notice your language patterns and play with shifting them.

The only thing you need is an awareness and willingness to play with the energy of how you speak.

Audio Transcription:

Hello, and welcome to my musings.

Welcome. I invite you to close your eyes and settle into the space you’re in….feeling the surface beneath you…..hearing any sounds around you…

And let’s start off by taking the deepest breath you’ve taken yet today….inhaling deeply….and exhaling….

Feeling the relaxation starting to flow through your body….

Remembering that it is totally normal for you to have thoughts floating through your mind ….and whenever you notice that, just bring your attention back to your breath, noticing the inhale and the exhale….there is not right or wrong….there just is….whatever that experience is like for you…

Nowhere to go….nothing to do…expect to be in this very moment….

Taking that mental elevator ride down from your head, down through your neck, and into your body, into your heart…..

Letting go of the day, the to do list….

This can be a very full time of year….both physically with all we may be doing for others….gathering….expectations etc….but it’s also a very busy time energetically…..and you may be feeling that as well….

So as we sit here together…you can imagine perhaps letting that evaporate from your body…..releasing that stress….releasing any heaviness or toxicity….up into the light to be transmuted…

Now bringing your attention to your body…starting to relax your brow….letting it settle…feeling your eyes getting heavy…..your jaw getting slack….

Moving your attention down to your neck…relaxing the muscles in your neck….feeling the relaxation flowing down into your shoulders…perhaps dropping your shoulders down and back…opening your chest and your heart space…..

Feeling the relaxation flowing down into your arms….down through your wrists and into your hands and out your fingers….

And now imagine bringing your attention to your chest area…..opening your heart….feeling relaxed….

And then moving down to your belly….and softening you belly….letting it go….

And feeling the relaxation moving down through your pelvis and hips…..

Flowing down into your legs….down through your shins and into your feet and out your toes…..

And now taking a moment to feel your entire body…. Feeling it relaxing and noticing if there are any spots that need a little extra love and relaxation and if you find any, just breathing into that area and letting it relax a little more…

And now, I’d like you to let your attention move to any thoughts that are floating through your mind….

In my blog last week I spoke about the energy of our words and how making subtle shifts can change how we feel, how we live our lives and what we let into our lives.

So as we sit in in this quiet space, I invite you to notice what is flowing through your mind…..notice the tone…notice the words…and if you feel so inclined….I invite you to engage with your thoughts and shift the language….

If you are thinking something like…..”I need to do x, y, or z when I’m done with this meditation”….perhaps change it to “I want to do or I get to…..”

Just noticing the tone of the thoughts and making any shifts that feel right to you to change the energy from one of heaviness to one of lightness and choice….

Here are some examples: changing if to when,  hasn’t happen to hasn’t happened yet….and so on.

Just taking some time now to sit with your thoughts and play with them….

And when you’re ready….bringing your attention back to the room that you’re in…hearing any sounds around you…feeling the surface beneath you…and remembering that this practice of awareness of our language is an ongoing process….so a reminder to be gentle with yourself…

Slowing wiggling fingers and toes…….perhaps shrugging your shoulders or stretching in a way that feels good to you….

And whenever you’re ready…and ever so slowly…opening and closing your eyes.

And as we wrap up today… remember that true peace is always just one breath away.

Before I end today, I want to remind you that our bi-weekly 30-minute meditation and oracle card pull sessions have begun!  These sessions will offer you the opportunity to take some well-deserved time for yourself to come back into your body and settle your nervous system as well as the fun of seeing what the oracle card has to say to you!

For more info, please sign up with your email in the form below.

AND……I also just wanted to let you know that I have gift certificates available in case you’re wondering what to get that special someone!

 And as always, remember that true peace is always just one breath away.

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Shift Your Paradigm Podcast Episode: Life as a Spiritual Being


The Energy of Words