The Energy of Words

Have you ever given any thought to the way you speak about things? In today’s musings I discuss the energy of our words.

 How they impact our lives and how to shift the energy if we find we need to.

Audio Transcription:

Hello, and welcome to my musings.

Today I want to talk about the energy of our language and the power it holds.

I believe that everything in our world is energy and that we have the power to help or hinder ourselves with the way we think about and talk about things. Now, don’t panic. This doesn’t mean that you’re doomed if you have “bad” thoughts (see my previous blog about Spiritual Shame on October 21st for more on this). But it does give us an opportunity to be aware of where we’re placing our attention and how we speak about things.

Following are several examples of language swaps.

For instance, notice the difference between saying “if this thing I want happens vs when this thing I want happens”. Changing if to when creates certainty. It’s saying, I would love to have this in my life, and I know it’s coming. It takes you from uncertainty to knowing.

Or “I have to do this chore vs I get to or want to do this chore”. These are just a couple of examples, but do you see how the meaning changes? When you speak in the affirmative, it puts you back into control and brings a different energy to the sentence and what you want to experience.

Now, it’s true that “yay, I get to do this chore” may feel like a stretch, but truly, there are people in the world, maybe even your world, who are not able to do a chore for whatever reason and also, think about it, you don’t have to do the thing, you’re choosing to. Maybe you like having a neat and organized space or you don’t like tripping over things that are left out. Whatever it is, just give it some thought. Do you have to, or do you want to?

Let’s take a look at a few other examples. Hard vs challenging, busy vs full, can’t wait to vs I’m so excited to.

When you say something is hard, it has a flavor to it. It’s the ugh, this is hard, a struggle, yuck energy, but if you change that to this feels challenging, it softens it and it may be challenging, but doable.

How often do you find yourself saying I’m so busy! What is the feeling you feel when you say or think this? For me, it’s heavy, overwhelming, too much, but if you change it to my day is full, it softens the edges, it has a different vibration.

And think about “I can’t wait to see you”. It can have a positive feeling to it, an excitement, but what you’re sending out into the universe is the wait part of that message. Changing it to “I’m so excited to see you” is probably really what you mean, and it sends out a totally different vibe.

And then finally, this is my favorite energy shift: do you find yourself saying “I can’t have this, I can’t do that, I don’t have…..”, fill in the blank? I invite you to change those statements to something like this “ Up until now I haven’t been able to…. Or historically I couldn’t do….whatever it is”. That softens it again and changes the energy around it. Instead of proclaiming that you can’t do something or don’t have something, you can shift that to the land of infinite possibilities. It goes from being written in stone to something like “hmmmm, it hasn’t happened or I haven’t been able to do it in the past, but the future is open to everything!”

So, having said all of this, I want to point out that this stuff takes practice. It takes an awareness of how you are speaking and what you are sending out into the universe. I started writing my notes for this yesterday and was on the phone with my son and started to say “I can’t wait to see you at Christmas!” I stopped myself in mid-sentence, kind of cracked up for a minute and said “I’m so excited that you’re coming home for Christmas” and then told him to listen to this episode to figure out what I was laughing about.

Our words have power. Our words are energy. We create our lives in so many ways, all energetic, and I’ve spoken about several of them in previous musings. And now I encourage you to play with the energy of our spoken words (and at the same time, what you’re giving your attention to. The two are interlinked).

Tony Robbins says “Energy flows where attention goes” and this is so true. We attract what we focus on and our words are a powerful place to start in this process.

I’d love to hear from you on this topic. How does it land for you? What have you discovered as you focus on what you say and how you say it?

Before I end today, I want to remind you that our bi-weekly 30-minute meditation and oracle card pull sessions have begun!  These sessions will offer you the opportunity to take some well-deserved time for yourself to come back into your body and settle your nervous system as well as the fun of seeing what the oracle card has to say to you!

For more info, please sign up with your email in the form below.

AND……I also just wanted to let you know that I have gift certificates available in case you’re wondering what to get that special someone!

 And as always, remember that true peace is always just one breath away.

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The Energy of Words - Meditation


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