
In today’s blog I muse about abundance, what it means and what happens when we are feeling the opposite of abundance. When we’re noticing scarcity in our lives.

We then look at how we can relate to that and shift our energy.

Audio Transcription:

Hello, and welcome to my musings.

Today I’d love to share with you my thoughts on abundance.

What comes to mind for you when you think about abundance?

Does it have to do with physical wealth? Money in the bank, a new car, the home of your dreams.

I invite you to ponder this with a broader perspective.

Abundance is having enough of what you need in life. This can be anything that is meaningful to you.

Having enough time, kind and loving relationships, a feeling of peace and contentment.

Abundance is a feeling and not just something in our physical realm. It’s appreciation and gratitude. Celebrating where you are.

Now, I’m aware that quite often when the topic of abundance comes up, the topic of scarcity also arises.

I notice in myself sometimes and others that the topic of abundance can come up when we are feeling scarcity. When we are noticing a lack of something, and we want more. These thoughts may bring up feelings of desperation and/or panic, worry, the what am I going to do, feelings. That’s part of our human conditioning, but it’s also very limiting.

So, what do we do when we find ourselves in this place? I’ll start where I always do: feel the feelings fully. The feelings/energy needs to move, that’s its purpose.

Then I’ll add (as always) don’t judge the feelings. It’s ok. Just let them flow. They are not good or bad, they just are.

And once the feelings have moved through and you’re feeling more neutral, then you can shift gears.

This is the time to take a moment, maybe even close your eyes and take a deep breath in…..and let it out.

And as you’re doing this, consciously relax  and feel into your body. Notice where you are in this moment. Hear the sounds around you. Notice anything you can see around you. This is you in the present moment. This is where your power lies. This is your reality, in this very moment.

And once you’ve grounded yourself and you’re back in your body, now you can shift your energy.

You can start to ponder the things that you are genuinely grateful for in your life.

What do you appreciate? What is going well? What do you love?

When you focus on your gratitude and appreciation for the abundance you already have in your life, you then attract more of it.

So, I’m curious, what are you grateful for? Where are you abundant in your life in this very moment. I would truly love to hear from you.

Thanks so much for listening today and remember that true peace is always just one breath away.

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Meditation for Abundance


Meditation for Authenticity