Reflections on Body Image and So Much More - Meditation

In this meditation I lead you through a process of identifying where you feel resistance around body image and how to soften the edges.

We work through softening resistance and coming into acceptance so that we can be at peace with what is.

Audio Transcription:

Hello, and welcome to my musings.

Welcome….I invite you to close your eyes…and let’s start off by taking the deepest breath you’ve taken yet today….inhaling deeply…and exhaling….

Now settling into a normal pattern of breathing….

Taking that mental elevator ride down from your head…into your body….into your heart…

Remembering that our wisdom lies in our body….not necessarily our mind….

Nowhere to go, nothing to do, except be, in the present, very sacred moment…

Feeling the surface beneath you….

Hearing any sounds around you…

Softening the brow……feeling your eyes getting heavier….feeling your jaw getting slack….softening the belly…

Dropping your shoulders down and back, feeling your arms getting heavier and your body settling in, more and more….

Feeling the muscles in your back and chest relaxing…..letting go of any tension that may have settled in there…..

Feeling the relaxation flow down into your legs….and down through your feet….

Feeling relaxation flowing throughout your body…

 And now……I invite you to bring to mind a part of your body that you feel resistance around, if there is a part….

And I use the word resistance specifically because resistance is not accepting what is……and it causes suffering….

So, as you think about this part of your body that has caused or is causing suffering….I invite you to notice how you feel as you think about it….what do you feel in your body? Where do you feel in your body…..

 Spending some time with this…noticing…what comes up for you…where do you feel it?

And now I’d like for you to imagine this feeling as a box….see it take shape….if you can picture it inside of you, where you feel the feeling around it…all the better.

And now…imagining this box….seeing the four corners…..imagine the edges, the corners, softening…seeing the hardness of the edges softening….feeling the resistance softening…. 

Remembering that when we’re resisting what is, we lose…we suffer…for in the moment you are in, what is….is…. 

So now, I invite you to look at this part of you, this piece of you that you have resisted, in a different light…what if the edges were softened….what if you could see that you are, in this very moment, perfection….

There is not a thing wrong with you….release any judgements you have about your appearance or whatever else you are resisting…softening…..starting to let the acceptance in…..there is nothing to accomplish by suffering….

Your power lies in accepting what is, in each moment and from each moment you can make choices about what to do or not to do next, remembering that you are fine in this moment….

And now I remind you that in the days and weeks to come, you can practice this meditation….it is very normal for resistance to try to take hold…..and when it does, even if you don’t have time to sit and do a meditation….you can take your power back by closing your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath in, relaxing and remembering that all is well in this very moment….

And now I invite you to bring your attention back to the room that you’re in…..wiggling fingers and toes…shrugging your shoulders and stretching in any way that feels good to you….

And every so slowly, and whenever you’re ready….opening and closing your eyes

Before I end today, I’m thrilled to tell you I am now offering, a bi-weekly 30-minute meditation and oracle card pull. These sessions will offer you the opportunity to take some well-deserved time for yourself to come back into your body and settle your nervous system as well as the fun of seeing what the oracle card has to say to you!

I’ve offered these sessions to other private groups and organizations, but now I want to open it up to my community.

For more info, please SIGN-UP with your email in the form below .

And until next time please remember that true peace is always just one breath away.

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Reflections on Body Image and So Much More